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(b. Khao-I-Dang, Thailand)
Currently based in Ithaca, NY,1 and Lowell, MA 2

2025    MFA, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning,
        Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

2018    BFA, Studio for Interrelated Media, Departmental Honors
        Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA

2017    Semester Abroad, Painting & Printmaking
        Glasgow School of Art, Scotland, UK

Awards, Fellowships, and Grants

2024-25 FLAS Fellowship, Academic Year, Cornell SEAP
2024    Individual Grant, Cornell Council for the Arts
2024    Einaudi International Research Travel Grant, Cornell University
2024    Helen Swank Research Travel Grant, Cornell SEAP
2024    FLAS Fellowship, Summer, Cornell SEAP
2024    Department of Art Fellowship, Cornell University
2024    Exhibition Grant, Cornell Council for the Arts
2023    John Hartell Graduate Award for Art, Cornell University
2022-23 Fulbright Student Research Grant, U.S. Department of State
2018    Departmental Honors, Studio for Interrelated Media
2018    Barbara Grad Auction Award
2017    Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship
2017    Morton R. Godine Travel Fellowship
2017    Rob Moore Grant in Painting

Solo Exhibitions

2025  (Upcoming) No More Blue Horizons (MFA Thesis Exhibition),
      Tjaden Gallery, Ithaca, NY

2024  You Are From My Past Life (curated by Achariyar Rojanapirom),
      Kalm Village, Chiang Mai, TH
2024  I love the way you see the world but why can’t you see me?,
      Experimental Gallery, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
2024  Waiting for Enlightenment (Organized by Shane Levi),
      Distillery Gallery, Boston, MA

Group Exhibitions

2025  (Upcoming) TBD, Ortega y Gasset Projects, Brooklyn, NY
2025  (Upcoming) TBD, Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, CT
2025  (Upcoming) How We Speak (curated by Cynthia Yi Chen), No Call No Show, Boston, MA

2024  Pchum Ben for Palestine, FT Gallery, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
2024  The Future is Not Binary (curated by Brett Taylor), Denison Museum, Granville, OH
2024  Surviving Together (curated by Sunny Moxin Chen), A.P.E. Gallery, Northampton, MA
2024  Freedom of Expression, Hartell Gallery, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

2023  over and over, Experimental Gallery, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

2022  Connections II, Fowler-Kellogg Art Center, Chautauqua, NY
2022  Out of Service, Dreitzer Gallery, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA

2021  Sutures (curated by Suriya Khuth), Minnesota Museum of American Art, St Paul
2021  Bad Service, Dreitzer Gallery, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA

2020  if we want it (collaboration with Melissa Teng), Art on the Marquee, Boston, MA
2020  Free Form (juried by Ben S. Wallace), Gallery 263, Cambridge, MA
2020  Senior Exhibition, Sandra and David Bakalar Gallery, Boston, MA
2020  Space (curated by Savanna Nelson), North Crackatorium Gallery, Boston, MA
2020  Series 4, Student Life Gallery, MassArt, Boston, MA
2020  Perpetual Collapse, Godine Family Gallery, MassArt, Boston, MA

2017  Contact List, Grace and Clark Fyfe Gallery, Glasgow School of Art, Scotland, UK
2017  Sent From a Pure Moment, Godine Family Gallery, MassArt, Boston, MA
2017  Echo, Godine Family Gallery, MassArt, Boston, MA
2017  Brujas in Boston: Board Auction (curated by Julian Cintron, May Singleton-Kahn), Godine Family Gallery, MassArt, Boston, MA
2017  (in)visibility: a queer artist collective (curated by Archie Snow, Austen Shumway, Moon Decker), Godine Family Gallery, MassArt, Boston, MA

2016  Process Is (curated by Marissa Cote, Jackiie Popjes), Student Life Gallery, Boston, MA
2016  You Think It's ____, But It's Really ____. (curated by Allison Maria Rodriguez), Midway Gallery, Boston, MA
2016  Congratulations! You have a new Match! (curated by Ellen Formby, Craig Waddell), North Crackatorium Gallery, MassArt, Boston, MA


2024  SLOWSPACE Studio, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
2023  Chiang Mai University Media Arts and Design, Chiang Mai, Thailand
2022  Chautauqua School of Art Residency Program, Chautauqua, NY

Curatorial Projects

2019  You must not stand in one place (co-curated with Melissa Teng),
      Distillery Gallery
2018  Homecoming, Godine Family Gallery, MassArt, Boston, MA
2018  In a Domestic Partnership (It's Complicated), How's Howard?, Boston, MA
2018  like nobody is watching, Godine Family Gallery, MassArt, Boston, MA
2017  Point of Departure (co-curated with Marissa Cote, Jackiie Popjes), MassArt
Selected Press and Bibliography

Guest Speaking and Panels

2025     (Upcoming) Discussant, “Artistic Responses to Impunity and Injustice: Perspectives from Southeast Asia,” Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, March 13, Columbus, OH

2023    Panelist, “Affect and Memory in Northern Khmer Traditional Music,” Media in Everyday Life, Syntopia: 1st National Symposium on Media, Arts, and Design, Chiang Mai University, Jul 26, Thailand.

2021    Panelist, “Seeing New Potentialities” (Artist Talk), Minnesota Museum of American Art, Nov 16, online

Relevant Teaching and Work Experience

Design Chair, SEAP Graduate Student Conference: Mobility, Cornell Southeast Asia Program, Ithaca, NY
Graduate Assistant, Print Media: The Cultures of Print with Julianne Hunter, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

2024Guest Speaker, ARTH 1100 Art Histories: An Introduction, Theme: “Materiality,” Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Graduate Assistant, Painting: Language of Painting with Carl Ostendarp, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Graduate Assistant, Print Media: The Cultures of Print with Elisabeth Meyer, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Graduate Assistant, Contemporary Art Practice Through Drawing with Ashley Teamer, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

Research Assistant for Khathaleeya Liamdee, Ph.D., Institute of Asian Studies (fieldwork in Sa Kaeo and Trat, Thailand), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok

Guest Lecturer, MAAD 101: Intro to Visual Culture with Charlie Hill, Ph.D., Chiang Mai University Department of Media Arts and Design, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Teaching Assistant in the Department of Fine Arts, Brandeis University, Waltham, MA

Language proficiency (*written)

Khmer*, Thai*

Land acknowledgements

* Ithaca, New York, and Cornell University are located on the traditional homelands of the Gayogo̱hó:nǫɁ (the Cayuga Nation).

* Lowell, Massachusetts is the original homelands of the Pennacook communities with the Pawtucket Village and Wamesit Village.


